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Intense / Jacket
What if you try to wear artwork clothes sawed in conveyed "intense" emotion, would you find "intense"communication inside yourself?
"Human Relationships Jacket"
Digital printed painting"Eat and Laugh" in Polyester chiffon cloth, sawing / 3000x1450mm
"Intense" / Oil on Canvas / 1940x1620mm / F130
"Human in Box -Kabuki- -Jump- / Acrylic on Paper Box / 280x120mm
人間模様ジャケット~激情~ 激しい感情を表現した布で作った服を身につけたら、その感情を自分の内に感じるだろうか... 巨大なジャケットのオブジェで巨大な感情を表現、そしてその片鱗を着てみる